
Silvia Agulló

Silvia Agulló

With 13 years of experience in the field of sustainability, Silvia Agulló is the Responsible Business and Reputation Director at the DKV Seguros Group.

She previously worked in the Sales and Marketing Departments for the international pharmaceutical firm Pfizer and at consumer goods multinationals Unilever and Pepsico.She has also been an Innovation Green Belt consultant, certified by WhatIF, and has worked with Esade Creápolis, Ramon Llull University, IESE and the consulting firm Inteligencia Creativa, among others.  

She wrote the book Étikos on the theory and practice of business ethics, published in Spain and Mexico.

Agulló has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management, an MBA from Ramón Llull University, and in 2009 earned her PhD in Business Management, deepening her expertise on Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Management.

Business Administration, Director of Responsible Business and Reputation,
Silvia Agulló